antarctica ancient ruins 2021california lutheran university nursing

YWQ5M2RjNjA3Nzc5MjE2MzVhMTc0OTkwZDkzZDkwYWM0NjAwOTM5YzA2ZmEy A city-sized base was built there, called "Base 22 or New Berlin", and supposedly was home to not only Nazis but also the Illuminati. 2021 - 22:00 ashley cowie . OWM1MzExNjU4ODkxZDk4ZmVhODQwMDViMDU4MTQ3MTRjYzk5NGE4YmEwNDM5 ZGQ0YWUzYzE2NTI2MzlhOTZkZjY3ZjA4ZDg1MTM4OThhZGY2YzBhZjgwMDBi Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. Curiously, there are numerous ancient maps that depict parts of Antarctica free of ice. Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica, ancient ruin found below the Antarctic ice. Working in dwindling light just before Antarctica's first sunset of the year in mid-February, a team led by geologist Scott Amundsen of Wyoming State University came across the rubble of a stone building roughly the size of Rome's ancient amphitheater. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. I have written an extensive number of articles on his UFO photos, ET Contact and secret space program experiences whichare available here. A Mysterious Dome Structure In Antarctica: Is it Evidence Of A Lost Civilization Or Frozen Atlantis? That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment. Once a home to a myriad of civilizations, the southern Turkish city of Antakya lies in ruins . Doubleday has been receding at an estimated 3 meters per year for the last century, and the last geologic expeditions visited the site in the 1920s. Satellite images from NASA show a possible human settlement some 2.3 kilometres beneath the icy surface. A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn't even authorized to tell David what was going on. Their new study shows that combining satellite and aeromagnetic data provides a key missing link to connect Antarcticas hidden geology with formerly adjacent continents, namely Australia, India and South Africa keystones of Gondwana. -----END REPORT-----. For history and literary buffs, that's the site of the infamous stabbing of Julius Caesar. He said: If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet and in fact, it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to look like., READ MORE:US submarines detect mysterious speeding objects underwater. ZDJmNjcxZWU2NDUyZmQzOWI0MzJhZmY4ZWY4NGU2OWUxMWJiN2FkYTM3MDk2 Despite numerous studies concluding the last time Antarctica could have been ice free was 4,000 BC, even the United States Air Force Reconnaissance Technical Squadron (SAC) believed that the mysterious map indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. Maybe geologist must take lessons from so-called experts.. ZGM2NmI1NDBmNzZhNmIyZjI2MDcyZTY0MGVlZDQ4NzUwN2JiOGM0MjFjYjEx This abstract outline of a horse, 360 feet long and 130 feet wide, was carved out of the hillside, the trenches filled with white chalk rocks, contrasting nicely with the green . But it has only been since 2002 that excavations by archaeologists and other scientists have been allowed on the site. 4 - The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids. . QFSWALLETS!! "Previous researchers could have easily missed it," Amundsen says. Speculation over the location of the legendary long-lost city is rife, with others believing it to have been near the Greek island of Santorini. This connects with the Hole at the Other Pole and to the Hollow Earth and those who live there. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. "I simply don't believe it," says archaeologist H. P. Lovelock of the University of Dallas, Fort Worth, well known for his work in the Transantarctic Mountains. Once the video is returned to its rightful owner, Atlantis TV have stated they will have no second thoughts on airing it and will let the public know of this new discovery. The US Navy SEALs were the ones who found the video while on their rescue mission for the missing TV crew. But that's not the wildest claim - with several online websites claiming thatthere is a city in Antarctica and HITLER knew about it, making it a secret Nazi base. Los Angeles (February 28, 2023) - As Viking ( continues to celebrate its 25th anniversary, the company has marked a new milestonethe most successful single month of bookings in its history. Email us call 0207 782 4368, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. The ball would have sailed. Came up to me and said to share the information. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Ive marked the approximate location of the structure in relation toAntarctic Research Stationsin the following graphic. A Historic Site or Monument (HSM) is a protected location of historic interest on the continent of Antarctica, or on its adjacent islands.The list of historic sites was first drawn up in 1972, and has since expanded to cover 95 sites, with the most recent listed in 2021. An ancient map dating back to the 1500s seems to show Antarcticas coastline in unprecedented detail. After being satisfied about the accuracy of Goodes information and sources, Sigmund unexpectedly shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. The Kumano Kodo is a network of ancient pilgrimage routes that crisscross Japan's largest peninsula, the Kii Hanto. MWIwZGNhYWVjN2QyMTg3NTAzYzkiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIyMDAxOWIwNzYz Its important to point out that the ruins are many miles away from the two nearby Norwegian basesTroll(720042S 23206E) andTor(715322S 50934E). Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the excavations also revealed to him by a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed Sigmund, Sigmund led a covert mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode who was being tested for the fidelity of his information. Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. This leads me to conclude that the structure found in the Google Earth images may well beancient Antarctic ruins, significantly larger than those found at Machu Pichu, which was previously used by the German Dark Fleet and is now under the control of an Earth Alliance led by US Space Command. So far the researchers have uncovered the foundations of a massive columned structure that may have stood as high as 30 meters, says group member Harvey Sampson, who last year had proved by DNA analysis that Piltdown Man was not an elaborate hoax but in fact the skeleton of the murdered St. Nicholas, the last Russian Tsar (ScienceNOW, 1 April 1997). It may lead to explanations on whether Antarctica has always been barren, or if it was differentin ancient times. Antarctica - December Eclipse Ceremonies within Ancient Ruins beneath the Ice Copyright of the image by Corey Goode Dozens of Cabal Elites from around the world arrived in Antarctica for a tour of recently excavated ruins beneath the ice that included libraries and temples. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. YWY3NGEzYTc4NTUwYmM2ZGI1MzA1OTk4NmMyZjk1ZTlmMmRkZTQxZmMzZDI0 It appeared to show extensive ancient ruins hidden in the ice, and was a video supposedly left behind by a California TV crew who have been missing since 2002. Some say that Admiral Byrd was the first to discover the tips of ancient obelisks poking out of the snow during Operation Highjump in 1955. Researchers were baffled by the discovery, which some people claim could be a evidence hidden civilisation with "traces of a human settlement underneath the ice" revealed in photographs released by Nasa. An Antarctic mountain with a unique, pyramid-like shape is suddenly internet-famous, with countless theorists contemplating its origin. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Having failed to keep secret their own ancient ancestry for much longer, the elites will try to use the opportunity to distract attention from their own crimes. It is possible that the ruins were recently handed over to the US military by China. Antarctica's secret city was apparently '"confirmed" by an ancient map called the Piri Reis map, compiled in 1513 from military intelligence. One scientific theory claims that once upon a time Antarctica was ice-free and home to an ancient civilisation. Using the new magnetic data, our animation illustrates how the tectonic plates have moved over millions of years after the breakup of Gondwana, explains Peter Haas, PhD student at Kiel University. We knew that magnetic data play a pivotal role because one can peer beneath the thick Antarctic ice sheet to help extrapolate the geology exposed along the coast into the continent interior. The mysterious discovery has also been linked to the ancient ruins found in South Africa because of the uncanny resemblance in shape and appearance. Speaking about a similar Antarctica pyramid near the Ellsworth Mountains, the geologist told IFLScience: The peaks are clearly composed of rock, and its a coincidence that this particular peak has that shape. Jrg Ebbing, from Kiel University, explains, With the available data, we only had pieces of the puzzle. This is an area that was claimed by Hitler's Third Reich and where an Antarctic Colony, Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2. Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica! MDEyMGI1N2MwMDRhYTliODM5M2RmOTE2YjRhMzA4ZTg4NGMwNjRiZTA1ODM1 According to National Geographic, the fifty-million-year-old sperm cells on the ancient worm's egg case were found in Antarctica. Antarctica's bone-dry atmosphere has also preserved many artifacts, including coins that feature penguins and an unknown reptile, peanut shells, sticks resembling baseball bats, and seal-hide balls. However, not everyone who saw the Ancient Aliens episode was convinced by the wild theories presented. These were being investigated in joint missions with various Earth nations, including China. An official graphic (below image) fromAntarcticGlaciers.orgshows that the ice sheet is less than 500 meters thick in the region where the ruins are located. Micro-techology found in Russia, with some objects as small as 1/1000th of an inch. The fact that Antarctica is about as remote as you can get and the land below is covered by a massive ice sheet, makes collecting geophysical information both challenging and expensive. UFO hunters believe they have spotted a mile-long spaceship near ISS, Dinosaur discovery shakes up theory of evolution, claims Bible expert, Antarctica pyramids: Conspiracists believe in ancient pyramids hidden around the world, Antarctica pyramids: David Childress said it could be the oldest pyramid on Earth, Watch the moment man 'shoots up' into the sky in 'alien abduction'. Discover South America's pulsating cities, stunning archaeological ruins, icy fjords and lush jungles or venture to the frozen continent, Antarctica. MThmOGFmYTkyMTY4ZTdkYTA1MjVjOWRhNWFjOWNlYTE0MWY3NDFhMTY1NmJj 2K. Together with tectonic plate reconstructions, we can start building tantalising new magnetic views of the crust to help connect geological and geophysical studies in widely separated continents. "It's a well-kept secret, but they did discover a pyramid there. does not include the entire universe of available offers. How is this possible when images of the subglacial coastline of Antarctica were only seen for the first time after the development of ground-penetrating radar in 1958? They are now preparing documentary films and academic papers to astound the scientific community and shock the world. Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Antarctica pyramids claim: 'Oldest pyramid on Earth' is hidden on icy continent THE oldest pyramids on Earth are hidden away under the deep cold snow of Antarctica, conspiracy theorists have. Editorial opinions expressed on the site are strictly our own, and are not provided, endorsed, or approved by advertisers. The huge and mysterious "anomaly" stretches for 151 miles across and could be buried 848 metres underneath the land. The mission had 3 task forces that were sent out in different directions and was to last 6-8 months Conspiracy theory author David Childress told Ancient Aliens there is a distinct possibility the Shackleton pyramid is the oldest of its kind on Earth. However wacky, Mallery's speculations were all it took for Italian engineer Flavio Barbiero to run with the theory that Reis must have had access. Not quite, say geologists. He says that a group of recently arrived highly evolved extraterrestrials are having life changing effects with soldiers and others with whom they come into contact. An ancient underground complex discovered in Southern California that included star charts on aluminum sheets. Only when we put them together with satellite magnetic data, can we see the full picture.. What do you guys think? But this phenomena normally has short, sharp, edges and themystery structure appears to be oval. In the below interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to EarthsMoonand Jupiters moon,Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. ZjI4MTU0YjBhNTVkMGRlNjdlMWM5MTA1NGFiYTYwNjEyYzlkMGJlYzNmYjhi The Mystery Of The 100 Million Years Old Fossilized Human Finger, The Trinity Bomb: Nuclear Test, Roswell UFO With Three Occupants, And Two Witnesses. And this could have been Atlantis, a mythical cityfounded by people who were half god and half human which wasfirst mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in 360BC. ZGM2NDIyMWEyNDBiZjFjOGZkZDFkN2QxODgwODZhY2UwOTJjZjBjZDIwNzJk The continent of Antarctica was seperated from South America around 23 million years ago. Y2E5NDIxNWEzOGViNTZjOTkzYjY5ZWExN2QyYmM1OGY2YWFjZmZmN2M0NTFj The real Antarctica wasn't discovered until 1820. On 23 July 2021 In Other Though the mainstream media is covering it up, it is a fact that ruins have been melting out of the ice in Antarctica as global warming heats up. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. Some may wonder why JP was given the coordinates of these ancient ruins by the USAF officer and told to release it publicly. With the satellite and aeromagnetic data combined, we can look down deeper into the crust. The GREAT GUN GRAB of 2021 Begins! Could these be authentic man-made pyramids created by an ancient civilization? MmU4NzdiZmFhYWNlZjA1YTZmNTU5ZjRmNDA2NDFiMDllODAwNThiZWE1YjQ4 This lets you know whats going on Thanks, Your email address will not be published. Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, on Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, Historical mysteries and rumors of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrds ill-fated , Testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the Operation Highjump fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly. That separation created the Antarctic circumpolar current that effectively isolated the continent from the others. Published Aug 24, 2017. October Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space Ancient Mysterious Places UFOs & Alien 9 October, 2021 Dung Nguyen Leave a Comment OThlZGMxZDI2NjE5ZGIxZDI3NDRjMGQ0YTUwODUyZWM2ZTQ5ZTcyMzUyYzE4 Maps of the ancient world that showed Antarctica as free of ice and populated. Savor wonderfully diverse cuisine from tender Argentine asado to the acclaimed Chilean wines. Perhaps the most significant item on the map is the depiction of Antarctica despite Antarctica not officially being discovered until until 1773 by Captain James Cook. ZjRhMDEyNTc0YjU2NTZiMzg4OWVkMGUxNTgyZDMzYTA1ODFhNWU5ZGJkOTg2 All rights reserved | News Punch. Critics may point to the apparent ruins as merely pixelation due to the low resolution images from theUS Geological Surveythat Google Earth used for creatingthe aerial overview. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Dr Salla said: There has been extensive research done on pyramids throughout the world, in terms of their structure and what is they really are. How long have Keir Starmer and Sue Gray been secretly cooking up their plot? 4 - The Almost South Pole Station. MzdlODE5ZWFjOTBiMGU5MTIwYzhiNDk1Mzg2NjA1YzQ1ZjdhM2Q0MmQ1YjQx Screenshot of the Antarctic Structure. It would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet. I have high confidence in JPs reliability as a witness and as a conduit of information releases tacitly approved by senior military officials. 2021 - 05:05. Required fields are marked *. YmQzNDg5MjQ5NzJlMTMzMWE2ODJjMzlmZThlZGE2NDRkMWMzMzkyOWE4YzRj Aeromagnetic data do not cover everywhere on Earth, so magnetic models compiled from Swarm data help to fill the blanks, especially over India were aeromagnetic data are still not widely available. . An ancient rocky structure found at the heart of the Ross ice shelf helps determine where Antarctica's ice melts and where it stays firm and frozen. OWY2NGFlNGZiZjNhOWMzZmExMjYyY2VlNTM0Njg1NjY5YjljN2ZiOTI5MWM4 It appears to show the Antarctic coast hundreds of years before it was discovered, but was denounced by many scholars at the time.

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